Outside, we jumped into another taxi where I made another amazing discovery. Taxis here have bumpers!! Bumper car bumpers!! And every vehicle is dented!! Bringing your car to Manhattan? Parking is $30 every half hour, and nobody takes street signs seriously.
After being thrown around like change in a washing machine for twenty minutes, we were outside our hotel at Lexington and 49th. We checked into the

After a few uncomfortable minutes, we left the room and headed to 30 Rockefeller Place to NBC studios and The Top of the Rock; a few blocks away from our hotel. It was ginormous. HUGE. It was so beautiful inside and had an equally large gift shop where we immediately purchased a Dwight bobble head for my other sister and Office shirts for everyone else.

breathtaking though. I really didn't know how huge Manhattan is until I saw it from a bird's eye view.
We did so much that day I'm sure I'm forgetting something. My dad got a Philadelphia Cheese Steak even though we weren't in Philadelphia anymore. We stopped at Radio City and then the Ritz Carlton for drinks. Dad was getting fussy so Michele and I dropped him off at the hotel and hit fifth avenue for some shopping. I think one of the highlights of the day was when some tourists mistook us for locals and asked us for directions. Michele and I made it back to the hotel just in time to wake dad up, throw on some dresses, and grab a taxi to Broadway for a real Broadway show! After the show, we stepped outside and decided to walk back to the hotel since it was only a few blocks away and the subways underneath us kept the city warm at night. We crossed the street and BAM!! TIMES SQUARE! While walking, I got really excited about something I was talking about and put my hand up in the hair for some reason. Within seconds I heard screeching tires and a cabbie leaned out of his window and asked if we needed a ride. Awesome service huh! We stopped and got dessert at a nice restaurant and people watched for a while before getting some much needed rest.