"Excuse me..." I replied, rather confused at their statement. Was it a jab at my bad hair days or something? I mean I know I'm not perfect but jeeze...
"You're like, way hotter than our other waitress!" Idiot one giggled.
"Yeah more like ten times hotter!" Said idiot number two. They hi-fived. "Can you take her place or something?"
Wow. I looked around making sure nowbody was listening to this exchange. I politely smiled at them and quickly walked away. I had never heard a guy be that openly rude before. I was uncomfortable. Then curious. Soon I found myself at the host stand looking at the sections. It was her! The one girl I slightly don't like! It was her section. Gasp. The beezy in me doubled over in laughter.
Oh karma please don't bite me back.
I've had this happen to me before. I makes me feel so awkward. I mean, I am being complimented, but at the expense of someone else. Can you imagine how horrible it would be to overhear one of your tables saying that about you?
Exactly. Had it been anyone else, I would have been much more miffed. But it's so ironic that it was the girl who thinks she's gods gift to men.
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