Secret shoppers have been preying on our poor restaurant. We've lost seven girls in one week, and half are due to low secret shopper scores. Here at hooters our performances are secretly tested by surveyors camouflaged as eager patrons. If we score a 90% or less we get a stern talking to. 80% or less and we lose hours or are even forced to work as a host for the next scheduled week. 70% or less and we are terminated. However, if we receive a 100%, we get a $250 bonus on our next check. Pretty nice tip huh. The problem with trying to get the 100% is that the criteria the secret shopper judges us with constantly changes and sometimes we aren't informed in time. We have sixteen steps we must deliver perfectly from the simple "HELLO!! Welcome to hooters!" to the dropping off of the check. While tending to six other tables, this seemingly simple task can become increasingly difficult. In addition to those steps, we must also inform the patron of our many promotions and calendar events, and our attitudes must be as pristine as our uniforms, of which our smile is its most critical component.
I am determined to get that $250 bonus. Watch out.
I got secret shopped at scored above 100%...our store doesn't do that sweet reward though. I did get a sweatshirt, but I'd rather have the $250!
Survival of the fittest :-)
Ugh...It drives me nuts when they score you on shit you didn't know you were being scored on. It's ridiculous how many things we are supposed to tell customers about these days!
oh I know... I feel like I'm throwing too much out at them. A lot of the time they'll jokingly make fun of me and I'll make fun of myself. But I seriously feel like I'm doing personal commercials for these people. It's all completely rehearsed.
Ugh. The secret shoppers have been threatening to come in for about 3 weeks now and we haven't seen hide nor hair of them. I'm getting increasingly anxious about it because I know it will be the one time I have a bunch of tables and forget some of the "steps of service." BLAH!
I don't know how many girls you have working that store, but if you've lost 3 or 4 (probably 15-20%) in the last week due to secret shopper scores, it sounds like Management isn't doing their job well. While a manager can't watch every customer interaction, they should be up on how well the servers are doing what they are supposed to do. It sucks to be secret shopped, but there really isn't any other way for a company to see how well things are being done "in the trenches."
My dream job when I retire is being an itinerant Hooters secret shopper; travelling from Hooters to Hooters across the USA. :-)
Good luck on your quest to get the bonus, sounds like you have the right mindset to earn it.
We've got about 80-90 girls employed at our store at all times. Our restaurant used to be #1 in the world concerning sales. It's moved down to 3rd but it's still #1 in California. I am almost positive this is why we receive so many secret shoppers. Good luck with the dream job! Hope to see you soon! And damn straight I've got the right attitude :p
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